Wednesday 13 July 2011

MTV cribs UK & US Documentary

MTV cribs is a documentary shown on MTV, we get to see inside the homes of our favourite celebrities. Many conventions are used throughout the show.
  • Use of interview
  • Editing
  • Background music is played
  • Sounds effects are played when necessary - this either emphasizes what the celebrity is showing us or creates a particular atmosphere.
  • There are a variety of camera angles used- this works well as it shows us as an audience all the different views and angles of the house.
  • Use of titles
  • Cutting from scene to scene
  • Zooming in and out of certain objects
  • The lighting is different throughout which works well, creating different moods throughout
  • Lenghts of shots are varied and certain clips are either sped up or slowed down
  • No archive footage is used 
  • The camera is hand held which has both advantages and disadvantages, some shots in which are taken are sometimes shaky but on the other hand the camera easily gets around allowing the audience to see every detail
  • The type of this documentary is observational

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