Monday 16 April 2012

Feedback on documentary

It was really great to get some feedback from others on our documentary to hear their views and to get their opinions on what they thought worked well and not so well.

The majority of the feedback we received was really positive. I believe the way in which we targeted such a wide audience helped a lot as a wide range of ages all very much enjoyed it.

The negatives we took from it were mainly- A few shaky shots, Sound of voice and music was sometimes uneven and some of our archive footage was cut off early. Although some of the feedback was negative, the majority was a very positive response and it was really great to hear both sides from an honest opinion. Looking back at our documentary now, I can definitely see a lot more of what our audience feedback gave us and it is great to know for future projects.

Sharing our documentary on YouTube

Above is a link to our documentary on YouTube, we thought it would be interesting to see if we got any feedback from the public world wide. 

Sunday 1 April 2012

Magazine Article- Individual ancillary task

I thoroughly enjoyed creating our own individual magazine article. I felt it was an interesting and independent task which allowed us to be imaginative. Considering we had to choose a topic in which would relate to our subject of state and private schools I decided to do the quality of school lunches at each school. I interviewed two students from both a private and state school. One of the students who was at Heathside previously attended a private school so it was interesting to ask the questions where we were able to see comparisons.
During the intereview I took notes and made sure I correctly wrote down everything in which they said to make sure my interview was as detailed as it needed to be.
The conversation was flowing which was really nice as it allowed me to pick up on a few extra points along the way.
I did some thorough research in to my individual ancillary task to make sure it was the best it could possibly be. I searched lots on You Tube and found that one of the most viewed clips are the ones on Jamie Oliver''s school dinners. This was really inspiring and pushed me to choose the idea.