Wednesday 28 March 2012

Advertising the documentary

On my individual ancillary task I made a point of advertising our documentary and rating it out of five stars. I felt this was important as people reading the article would then see the good rating and feel an attraction to watch it. We decided to do the same with our poster as it was important to let the viewers know other people's views and opinions. Giving the documentary five stars and making comments on our poster was a good way to let people know what the documentary was about and what other people thought about it.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Audience feedback on Target Audience

Getting other peoples points of view on what they thought our target audience should be was really interesting and extremely helpful. Lydia and Dani both agreed with us that our target audience could be either parents/teachers or students. Hearing this from a different perspective was good as it was a whole new fresh insight in to the documentary.  

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Word cloud based on double magazine spread

For our individual ancillary task we are doing a magazine article, I thought it would be a good idea to create a word cloud in order to get some ideas on what to base my magazine article on. Doing a word cloud really helped as it picked up on some of the key words I needed to focus on in order to create a successful magazine article. I have decided to base my magazine article around school lunches and if there is any difference in them at a state and private school. I felt this topic worked well as its very much relates to our documentary in terms of looking at some of the differences. 

Monday 12 March 2012

Research into similar products and potential target audience

When browsing You Tube, we came across a debate about Public school vs Private school which we thought related to our documentary really well. We hear the views of parents and we also hear from Obama himself and his views. I felt this debate would be appealing to all ages as it is something in which concerns both adults and children.

Ancillary Tasks

We have now decided that for our ancillary tasks we are going to create a magazine article as our individual tasks and a poster as a group task. I was happy with this decision as I believed doing a individual magazine article would allow us to be as creative as we wanted. It was allow us to come up with a really good story, one in which we could share with others. When thinking about my magazine article, it was important to think about what sort of people we were aiming at.

Creating a poster as a group was going to be something we could also put our creativity into. Sharing ideas within the group and laying them down to create something new and exciting that would succeed in getting an audience for our documentary.

As the magazine article was something in which we could have different ideas for, this is why we felt we would all be much more successful in doing this task individually.

Relevance of interview questions

Throughout our documentary we asked a majority of questions to a selection of people. The relevance of these questions was to potray to the people watching our documentary the key differences between a state schools and private schools.

Some key questions we included were:

-Do you feel there is a main difference between a state school and a private school? - Asking this question lays down a grounding for our documenary. It was interesting to see the differences between opinions.

-Do you feel the teaching standard is to the same level? - In our footage from Reeds school we actually include footage of a classroom where we see a very high standard of teaching. The footage we include shows the teacher and the pupils actually engaging with eachother.

-Do you feel the uniform has any effect on the way you work? - It was interesting to see the views of the students and the way they felt about their school uniform.

-What does a normal day consist of? It was interesting to see the differences between a state school and a private school and what their days consisted of, the number of lessons, times etc.

Throughout our documentary I am the person who asks the majority of questions so it was really good as I felt a really connection to the people when asking the questions as I have also experienced both a state school and a private school.

The relevance of the interview questions also link to our target audience as a wide variety of questions are asked and answered therefore links nicely into relating to our target audience.

Friday 2 March 2012

Editing process

The clip above is our editing process, using movie maker to achieve the best possible results for our editing. So far the process is going really well. We used two cameras a lot of the time during filming for our documentary so putting the footage together has been successful as we've managed to capture everything we planned to. We've included some good backing music for our documentary. It fits really nicely in to the setting and atmosphere of our documentary. We've played around a lot with the settings on movie maker, trying new things out to see what the outcome is like. We are nearing the end of editing our footage, it has all come together really nicely. The idea that we've included a bit of everything in our documentaries, from interviews to relevant archive footage has been very successful. 

Our use of voiceover worked really well to make our documentary as successful as possible. Voiceovers were done by myself, I felt it allowed the audience to be kept up to date with everything that was going on throughout our documentary.