Wednesday 7 December 2011


Analysis Of Documentary Process

In class we looked upon our documentary and evaluated what was
the successful and what needed improving when looking at making
the final documentary.  

One Shot
Camera Angles: During the interview filming
we used the camera angle 'two shot' as this clearly
showed to the audience the interviewer and the 
interviewee, which also showed reactions. 
This is an appropriate shot to use in the filming
of our main task,equally effective would be a one 
shot but with a voice-over with the questions
so the focus is on the interviewee. 
PreviewTwo Shot 

We also worked an the opening/introduction to our documentary. 
We decided we would use sped up video of the route of the car
journey heading into both the private school and public school.
After filming the footage we decided it was an effective way of
showing a clear difference between the two. The camera angle used
was a panning shot used through the windscreen of a car. 

Here are the two screenshot from Google Maps of the route we took
and the entrances to the
public school (Heathside School) and the private school (St Georges College)
St Georges College 

Heathside School

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Documentary Process so far : Analysis

In class we looked at the process of our documentary so far, what was successful and what wasn't successful. We looked at things we need to improve to make our documentary everything we need it to be.

The camera angles we have used so far and why: We've used two shots for interviews, this worked really well as both the person being interviewed and the person interviewing were in the shot. This allowed the audience to get a full perspective of what was being spoken about.

We've created a really good opening for our documentary. We filmed the journey in to school to both St Georges and Heathside. This was really effective as there was a massive contrast between the two. The camera angle used here was a panning shot as it sets the scene for the documentary.

We took lots of long shots when filming the facilites to get a full view of them all.

Close ups throughout our documentary also worked really well as they emphasized certain things we filmed.

We researched some interviewing and questioning techniques, this worked to our advantage as we got a good idea of what would work well in our interviews included in our documentary

Our documentary takes the forms of observational and participatory. Our group members get involved with the documentary allowing the audience to really understand and get involved with the documentary themselves.

We chose to do a magazine double page spread, this task is done individually. We also are doing an advertising campaign as a group based around our documentary.

Our documentary targets a varied audience. The aspects included in our documentary target all ages as a lot of issues are covered.

We've made our documentary different and interesting by including many different aspects. We have included several interviews throughout which works well to keep the audience interested, it also breaks the documentary up nicely. We have also including statistics in our documentary as the statistics support our arguement in the documentary.

We've worked well together as a group, our group is organised and we are up to speed with the process of our documentary. We have aimed to take on  individual duties so our final outcome is the best it can be.

It would be good if we could get together more outside of school and do some work as a group as we need to stick to deadlines.

We are going to include archive footage in our documentary such as pictures and newspaper articles. This will be effective in the outcome of our final piece.