Tuesday 29 November 2011


In class today we filmed our interview with myself being asked the questions. We did this as I could give a perspective on both a private school and state school. The interviews worked really well as we asked a wide range of questions that really bring together our documentary. We also interviewed Miss Donovan as she could also give us a point of view from both sides. We are going to St Georges College next week to film a few interviews with teachers there and to get some more footage of the school itself, mainly the facilities as there is a massive difference between the two. Types of questions included were:

  • Is there a massive difference between the facilities at the two schools? If so what are they?
  • Do the pupils have a different attitude to learning?
  • Is it worth the money you pay to be educated at a private school?
  • Does the uniform in sixth form effect attitudes to learning?
  • Is the teaching standard the same? 
  • What does a typical school day consist of?

Monday 28 November 2011

Planning our interviews

We have decided to include various interviews in our documentary in order to break our documentary up as well as include different points of views on a state school and private school.
I am being interviewed in our documentary as I used to go to St Georges College in Weybridge so I have experienced both a state school and private school and what life is like at both. I will be able to unravel some of the differences and similarites from both schools.
We are also including interviews of several teachers and we can pick and choose the best bits to include in our final outcome.
During our interviews we also have to consider the different camera angles. This will provide the audience with a more interesting documentary to watch as we will not just stick to one camera angle. Possible shots we have considered are: Two Shot, Close up, Long Shot, Zooming in and out to create a bigger picture. Specfic camera angles will also allow the audience to follow the story line more clearly.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Development for magazine article

Doing this presentation helped with deciding what to do for our group ancillary task. Looking at different examples and annotating them really helped me. It also gave me a chance to look at different lay outs and images that will relate and go well with our magazine article. We also need to think of a good story line in which will capture the readers attention. We will need to think of things such as font and colour and the effects of them. 

Thursday 17 November 2011

Public vs Private

In order to get a good idea for exactly what we were going to do and what we wanted to achieve, I created a powerpoint to show what we were going to do, the roles everybody has, how we are going to make it unique and what audience will our documentary interest? It was very useful doing this powerpoint as it will help in our developing and progress of our documentary. 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Location shots of Heathside school

 In preparation for our final piece we took some location shots of both schools we were basing our documentary around. This really helped as we were able to develop and edit some of our ideas for our final outcome. It also allowed us to see some of the major comparisons between each of the schools.

Playground area

Sports fields

Long Jump

Netball/Hockey/Basketball/Tennis/Football court

Rugby field

Monday 7 November 2011

Our Final Idea

For our final piece we have decided to look at the comparisons between a state school and a private school. The school we have chosen for our state school is Heathside school in Weybridge and the private school we have chosen is St Georges College in Weybridge. This will work well for us when it comes to filming as both schools are very local. In our final piece we are going to look at the facilities, uniform and the students and teachers, which will include interviews. The final conclusion will prove or dis prove the asumption that private schools achieve higher GCSE results than state schools.