19th- 23rd September- Practice filming interviews. Getting some practice of using the camera and talking about what we plan to do.
26th- 30th September- More practice on filming interviews. We want to make sure we have had lots of practice so when it comes to filming our final piece the interviews work and flow really nicely.
3rd-7th October- Filming preliminary. We are going to do a preliminary but we are only going to look at State schools.
10th-14th October- Choosing a final idea and locations. We also need to ask permission for the locations we decide to film at.
17th-21st October- Show planning on blog. We also need to research some articles and archive footage.
24th-28th October- Start filming our final task.
31st-4th November- Adding more to blog and an anaylsis of our ideas so far.
7th-11th November- A group discussion of what we can improve.
14th- 18th November- Continue filming. Discussing how our documentary fits in to our chosen mode.
21st-25th November- Extracts on blog. We need to discuss what works and what doesn't work.
28th-2nd December- Continuing last bits of filming.
5th-9th December- Start evaluation
12th-16th December- Make sure all filming is final and complete and that we have all the necessary footage that we need. Start editing.